
Operations & Project Management Excellence

Project Management Driving Business Success

  • Project Management refresher training to improve business operations, customer on time delivery, and project cost.


Who should attend?

  • Project Managers, Project Leaders, Operational Leaders, Business Leaders  and individuals who deal and manage operations or business projects
  • Team who work on a common project or goal and needs to develop a strong project management acumen 
  • Individual Project Managers who want to improve their project management skills and capabilities 
  • Looking for ways to  manage project constraints (scope, time and cost)?
  • Want to improve on quality, risk and resources management to delivery the overall project?
  • Struggling to manage project and scope creep?


  • A project management practical training on different project phases; initiations, planning, execution, control, and closure 
  • List of the most critical actions for each project phase
  • Energized and committed team who is excited to work together 
  • Ways to manage project with key constraints on scope, time and cost
  • Identifying improvement opportunities on quality, risks and resources management to delivery the overall project
  • Techniques to eliminate scope creep to deliver on time and cost while strengthen relationships with project stakeholders

Operations & Project Management Excellence

Speaking Engagements

  • Three keys to be successful: purpose, plan, and self-belief
  • Finding life and career purpose
  • Finding organization and individual profession purpose
  • Achieving your goals with sustainable plans
  • Fueling your motivation through strength of self-belief, knowledge, collaboration, will power, and persistence

Consulting Services

Business people joining gears

De-Risk Your Business Operation

Project Management Driving Business Success

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Consultation Services

speaking engagements

Speaking Engagements

Lunch & Learn

Project Management Driving Business Success

With “Unleashing Authentic Leadership Success ” program, you can: 


Unleash Employees Full Potential and Develop Stronger Employee Engagement  

Improve your attrition by 49% while clarifying your organization purposeful mission. 

Organization cost saving of ~ $250K to $375K for 30 employees who go through the program. Cost savings could be higher based on your attrition rate. 

Retain organization’s top talent and attracting new ones by having a better and greater purpose. Improving organization’s branding and separating your organization from others. 

✅ Employees fulfillment and satisfaction at work where it is a place for employees to live their purpose. 

✅ Employees are more productive, healthier, and more resilient to drive business results. 

✅ Employees have stronger engagement, heightened loyalty, and a greater willingness to recommend the company to others. 

->  Have A Thriving Business

Create an organization-wide sense of direction. Build a team on a mission with shared values. Provide a lot of direction for all levels of your company. 

Exceed organization objectives in the short and long terms through motivated employees who truly care about the organization, its goals, and its impact.

Improve organization’s profitability, on-time delivery, quality assurance, and properly manage and de-risk mission critical projects.

Increase the probability of the individual employee and teams to achieve their goals by at least 25% & up to 88% through proven psychological science methods. 

Focus on business growth and strategic planning rather than micromanage teams to meet their business goals.

Develop a more effective leadership styles and skill sets to; lead new generations to come, unleash employees’ full potential for organization short- and long-term gains, and find new ways to develop leaders of choice to take the company forward.  


The program is for you, if you have one of the following issues:

❌ Your employees and top talent turnover rate is high.

❌ Your business goals that are being not met.

❌ Your teams are not working as teams, lack of harmony, and not aligned on their common goals.

❌ Your corporate leadership program members need an exceptional leadership training and/or have group projects to deliver to business but they have not worked together as teams yet.

❌ Your employees are unmotivated, doing the bare minimum, and are not being innovative. Low employees’ productivity. 

❌ Your employees are not feeling they are part of something bigger and not aligned to the organization’s purpose. Employees lack of fulfillment. 

❌ Your leaders or middle management are micromanaging their employees to drive results and managing their teams with one approach fits all which is not working well.

 Your leaders or middle management are not inspirational and influential enough.

❌ Organization is looking for a more effective leadership styles and skillsets to lead new generations to come, or organization is not optimizing employees’ full potential.

❌ Organization is not able to clarify or discover its purpose.

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